The 8th International Horror Film Festival is now over
The 8th Moscow International Horror Film Festival “DROP” is finally over!
Through the course of one week we have shown you over 85 films: both the contestants and special retro screenings in the KARO theaters as well as in the “Mir Iskusstva” theatre. Among the attendants there were lots of the international guests at this festival — we truly have no bounds. This year for the first time in the festival’s history the viewers had a chance to battle the intergalactic aliens in the Z8 virtual reality Extravaganza and get the star autographs at the “Dandyland” video game shop. Also according our tradition — a new horror film was shot during the festival — a short film called “POPCORN” written by Dmitriy Viter, produced by Victor Boulankin and directed by Miroslav Lacombria. All the star guests also featured in the talk show “Fears in cinama and reality” for the “Taina” channel as well as the “Ren-TV’s” similar broadcast. All the radio coverage for the festival was supplied by “HIT FM” and MOSKVA FM” radio stations.
At March 30th Karo Sky 17 featured the star master-class and “Zombie-workshop” featuring the star guests of the festival. And at March 31st it featured a grand closing ceremony starring Vachtang, Vitold Petrovskiy (”The Voice”) Angelica Frolova (”Comedy Woman”), Dmitriy Noscov and Vladimir Brilev. And of course we announced our winners.
Best quest of the year is “Zombieland-2” perfomance quest. Best International A-List horror film of the year is “It”. Best Russian A-List film is “Gogol’: the Beginning”. As for the 85 contestants: Best horror short films are both “Portal” and “Floors” (South Osetia). And best feature-lenth film is “And Then There Were None 2017” (USA) and “Cain’s Code” (USA/RUSSIA). Best screenplay is Alan Bauman’s “Blood Of The Lambs” (USA/Serbia). For the accomplishments of horror genre in Russia we awarded Evgeniy Stitchkin, Pavel Ruminov, Yulia Peresil’d, Svetlana Bascova, Alan Diambeckov. For the accomplishments of the international horror genre we awarded Mick Garris (”Masters Of Horror”), Liesl Ahlers (”Friend Request”), Shashawnee Hall (”Nightmare On Elm Street”) Miroslav Lakombria (”A Serbian Film), Thomas Northstrom (”A Cure For Wellness”).
The “DROP” Film Festival is already preparing the Flytrap Statues for the next year’s fest. And this year’s festival will be shown on TV1000 and “Tochka TV” channels soon.